Success Stories

“I am more confident, more myself” – Larah Gorman

After Before
Class Coach: Carol Ann Curley
Class Attended: Ashford, Co. Wicklow
Start Weight 12st 8.5lbs
Total Wight Loss 3st 8lbs
Now just 9st lbs
My Story

17 year old, sixth year student, Larah Gorman from Wicklow is loving life after losing 3 stone 8lbs. No longer seen as “the big girl”, Larah is enjoying the important things in teen life, like shopping, going out with her friends.

I was always chubby growing up, but by 4th year in school my eating habits had just gotten out of control and my weight crept up and up.  I was eating the wrong food all the time, my favourite breakfast was a bag of crisps and I would order Chinese takeaways for my dinner. My mum would try steer me back to healthier foods, but I always got around it.

Like most teenagers, I would try whatever diet was going, or even just try to eat more fruit and vegetables for a few days, but by day 3, I would expect big results, and when they didn’t come I would just go back to my old habits.

I have always been a bubbly person, but before I lost the weight, I would describe my personality as “over the top” – a tactic I used to mask the fact that I was overweight. I would wear heavy make up to make me feel better about myself.  I hated shopping as I couldn’t fit into the styles that my friends were wearing and I always felt like the “big girl” in my group of friends, it was an unsaid thing, but it’s how I felt. I did have a few incidents where people would slag me and or make comments about my weight. It wasn’t a nice feeling but I’d hide it with my larger than life personality.

I decided enough was enough and I joined Unislim in Ashford with my mum in April 2016. I liked the idea that having a weekly weigh in and a leader to guide me along meant that I had a focus each week.  My leader Carolann Curley was fantastic and even though I was nervous at my first class, I felt supported and left feeling so motivated to get started. I lost 5lbs in my first week, everyone at class cheered me on and I left that day feeling so happy, in control and excited about my second week.

Doing Unislim with my mum meant we got to bond too – we cooked together, got out for walks and supported each other. Our whole family were eating Unislim meals and loving it. I started thinking about healthier options for my favourite foods and tried out new Fakeaway recipes from the Unislim website to have instead of Chinese Takeaways. Now I make healthy chicken curry and satay and they are delicious! I started to thrive on eating good food, it was making me feel great, I was losing weight and I never felt deprived, even on my nights out with my friends.

The biggest “wow moment” for me was when I went back to school last September. I had lost 3 stone over the Summer and my classmates who I hadn’t seen over the holidays couldn’t believe how different I looked. Now, I can borrow clothes from my friends – which I had never been able to do before. I have bundles of energy and I don’t get out of breath when I am walking – I have actually started to love exercise and have taken up spinning.  Plus, I had to get a new school uniform, as my old one was too big for me.

This summer was fantastic. I got to wear clothes that I’d never have worn before, like shorts and summer dresses. I felt so confident on my holidays.

To anyone out there who felt like I did, no matter what age you are, all I can say is, join Unislim, it’s so worth it.  As someone who loves social media, having access to the Unislim app where I can track my food and chat with other members means that I can ask questions, get great support and chat with other members.

I love seeing the changes week by week, not just to my weight but to my personality. I am more confident, more myself. I don’t have to wear lots of make up or be OTT to distract people from my size – I can just be myself, naturally.

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The 30-Day Diet isn't about cutting out food groups or banishing your favourite treats. It's about adding nutritious food to your meals every day to enhance your life and aid weight loss! Find out more!