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Get the most out of your fruit & veg by eating them while they're in season.
There are so many benefits to eating fruit and vegetables that are in season. You get heaps more nutrients because the food you’re eating is harvested at the peak of its freshness, it’s cheaper for your pocket because seasonal foods are generally more affordable and as an added plus it’s also good for the environment.
But how do we know just what’s in season right now? Well, we’ve done the work for you by picking some of our favourite in-season vegetables and showing you the best ways to eat them.
Beetroot is packed with lots of fantastic health benefits. It’s high in vitamin C, fibre and other essential minerals such as potassium and magnesium.
Through eating beets you can lower your blood pressure, increase your stamina, decrease your risk of cancer, fight inflammation and help detox your body. They’re also great for strengthening your immune system (particularly important in this chilly weather).
Try this delicious beetroot salad and enjoy this beautifully vibrant vegetable.
Broccoli is a great source of fibre and it’s full the essential vitamins: B6, E, B1 and A. It also contains zinc, calcium, iron and omega-3 fatty acids.
Like beetroot, broccoli is great for clearing toxins from of your body. It is known to aid digestion, curbs over eating and lowers blood sugars.
Try our chicken and broccoli frittata here
It wouldn’t be October without Pumpkins, right? Not only a creepy decoration, but pumpkins are also another great source of fibre. Pumpkin contains loads of potassium (good for blood pressure) and zinc as well as vitamins A and C. The seeds are excellent because they’re high in protein and plant-based fatty acid (omega 3).
Eating pumpkin will help to keep your skin glowing and immune system strong due to its high vitamin C levels. It’s also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food which is fantastic for your organs and stress levels! It’s a natural mood booster that will help stabilize your cholesterol levels and improve your brain function.
Make the most out of your entire pumpkin by cooking this pumpkin and minced beef lasagne and then transforming your seeds into a tasty snack.
Yes, tomatoes are often an integral part of our food staples, however, did you know October is the last month they’ll be in season until April? So, if you want to get the best out of your tomatoes you’ll need to act now. They are packed full of vitamin C, fibre, vitamin E and vitamin B6 to name just a few. Basically, eating tomatoes will help you feel amazing from the inside out.
Tomatoes help nourish healthy skin and hair, as well as maintaining strong bones. They benefit your heart and your kidneys and can even improve your vision.
We have loads of recipes containing tomatoes on our website but why don’t you start off by trying our Sicilian tomato pasta here.
Another vegetable that’s about to go out of season is cucumber. Cucumber often plays a supporting role in our meals, but we think it’s time it gets a little more recognition for all its nutritional values. Cucumber contains vitamin C, vitamin B1 (helps the body to use carbohydrates as energy) and even silica (a mineral that promotes healthy nails).
If you’re feeling overwhelmed cucumber will help ease feelings of anxiety and prevent some of the damaging effects of stress. Because of its high fibre and water content, it also works wonders for a healthy digestive system.
What are you waiting for? Try our tomato, avocado and cucumber salad here
As it’s getting colder, it’s important to nourish your body with the essential vitamins and minerals in order to prevent colds and flu – why don’t you have a look at our top cold and flu remedies here to help you beat the sniffles this winter.
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