Success Stories

Unislimmer of the Year Finalist Amy Wallace

After Before
Class Coach: Yvonne Keaney
Class Attended: Mullingar
Start Weight 12st 7lbs
Total Wight Loss 4st 2lbs
Now just 8st 5lbs
My Story

Meet Unislimmer of the Year Finalist Amy Wallace

Amy Wallace (24) proud mother to 3 year old Ruby, joined Unilsim Mulingar with Leader Yvonne Keaney in February 2014. It was just 1 year after the birth of her beautiful baby that she decided enough was enough.

 After the birth of her baby girl at 21, Amy Wallace was at her heaviest weight ever and her self-esteem was at an all time low. But now, full of energy and with her life back, this new mum shares her story on turned her life around. 

After having my daughter Ruby, I just withdrew myself from people around me. I was embarrassed, I didn’t want anyone to see me that big, so I just blocked everyone out. At my lowest point, I was ignoring the doorbell as friends called by with gifts for my new born baby. They left presents at the door, I just stopped answering and eventually, my friends stopped calling. I isolated myself and hid in my home which led me to a cycle of eating and feeling more and more unhappy.

I felt like food controlled me. I really wanted to make a change, but I didn’t know how. Every diet seemed drastic and I felt like losing weight was an impossible task. I was stuck in my ways and there seemed to be no way out.

By chance, I happened to pick up a flier for a local Unislim class and I decided I didn’t want to make any excuses anymore – I wanted to make a change for me and me alone. I went to the first class alone, I didn’t know anyone there. And although I thought I would be embarrassed when I stepped on the scales, I actually felt a sense of relief. Now, I was in control.  Everyone was so friendly and welcomed me. I knew I could do it.

My leader, Yvonne Keaney was just amazing. She explained to me that I would never have to “diet” again, but that everything was down to small, manageable changes, and that how by cooking for myself, I could change my lifestyle, lose weight for life and feel better as my confidence grew.

The Forever Free plan is fantastic. I went from a routine of skipping breakfasts every day, constantly grazing and in the evenings opting for convenience food. I was eating takeaways 3 or more times each week. Now, I eat 3 meals, 2 snacks every day – I never miss breakfast! I love to try new recipes and right now, my favourite dish is homemade chicken fillet burger with sweet potato fries and a big crunchy salad. Believe me, I enjoy my food and now my daughter is learning about healthy food. I involve her when I am cooking – it’s important to me that I teach her healthy habits, so she doesn’t have to go through what I did.

I now have a new lease on life, I have met amazing people and feel the best I have ever felt.  I now do fitness classes and always place myself right up the front of the class. And as for shopping – I love it, my style has changed so much – I love my new shape!

I am so proud of my Unislim journey. Now, with over 4 stone weight loss and new friends that I met at my Unislim class, I can look forward to the future and enjoy the “new me”.


Feeling inspired by Amy’s transformation story? Join your local Unislim class here.

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