Success Stories

“Unislim has completely changed my life!” – Aislinn Atalla

After Before
Class Coach: Orlaigh Mc Carthy
Class Attended: Kilmallock
Start Weight 18st 0lbs
Total Wight Loss 6st 10lbs
Now just 11st 4lbs
My Story

I had joined Unislim a few years previous in my mid-teens, then tried to lose weight on my own, but after some time I realized I couldn’t do it.  I rejoined again and met Orlaigh my Unislim Leader, and from the start we got on really well.

Like everything else in life, nothing is really straightforward and losing weight wasn’t going to be any different! I started a bit sceptical and after a couple of weeks realized that it was actually very doable and that I could do this. And then, of course, (and everyone knows this feeling) I hit my first wall, probably the same point where I’d usually give up…but not this time!

I found that once I realized that this was my new healthy lifestyle – not just some ‘diet’, things were so much easier. That diet mentality was what was holding me back all along.

It’s not just a ‘plan I follow’, it’s just the normal everyday now, and not just for me but for the whole family. I love that nothing is off limits, everything can be enjoyed it’s just all about balance. I’m 22 years old so knowing that I could still incorporate nights out with my friends or family occasions without any worries was fantastic. I also thought that being in college would make things harder but Unislim fits perfectly into my busy week, where everything is on the go, quick and handy, without any compromise – just what I need.

Still to this day I fill in a food tracker. It might sound a bit daft but your tracker is your best friend. I still have all my trackers from when I started and it definitely has been a huge factor in my weight loss. My leader and I can see at the end of each week how it went and that has helped me moving forward to see what works for me.

In my teens and early twenties, I never shopped where everyone else my age was shopping or swapped clothes with my friends. It’s only now that I can wear whatever I want that I realize what I missed. I always liked shopping but it usually ended in frustration or tears. Now I love shopping, maybe even a bit too much!

My advice is don’t wait, join a class now. Set small achievable goals to reach and when you reach one, set the next. Also, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, you will do it.

Unislim has completely changed my life, I’ve met some amazing people and made fantastic friends along the way.

My only regret is I didn’t do it sooner!

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