Success Stories

“Losing Weight Changed My Life” – Pamela O’Shea

After Before
Class Coach: Orlaigh Mc Carthy
Class Attended: Cashel
Start Weight 18st 2lbs
Total Wight Loss 9st 6lbs
Now just 8st 10lbs
My Story

Blonde bombshell Pamela O’Shea has lost almost 10 stone. Now, with her new found confidence and a spring in her step, Pamela, has started running, set up her own business and is now ready to take on the world!

Looking back at the old me, I had a serious weight problem. When I was a child and in my teens I was a bit pudgy. A lack of exercise and not eating properly meant every year I gained a bit more and it kept creeping up. I went through phases of losing a few stone and then things would slip. It’s hard doing it on your own, and if you have a slip up, you lose track and feel worse.

It was only when I got a dog, Frankie and started taking him for walks that I realized how unfit I was. I was out of breath after a few minutes and I was only 33. That was a wake-up call and I knew I had to take control of my health.

I knew a few people in the Unislim Cashel class, so in December 2012 I took the plunge. Some people told me to wait until after Christmas, but I felt that if I left it until January I probably wouldn’t do it.

When I stepped on the scales, I knew that this was the new beginning for me.

When you weigh yourself at home you can trick yourself into thinking the scales might be a few pounds out.

A really good thing about Unislim is that gives you a focus and the guidelines are there for you to follow, you really have no excuses. You always have that one-on-one support. Nobody rushes or judges you. Your leader will help you every step of the way and motivate you.

My advice, don’t put pressure on yourself with a big target, think of manageable mini-goals to work towards, that way you won’t feel overwhelmed.

Each week I lost a pound or two but it kept moving and I knew each pound was bringing me closer to my goal. If you stick to the Unislim plan and exercise, you can’t go wrong.

I used to be a picker, I’d get home from work at 6pm and wonder what to cook for my dinner and start eating biscuits. My biggest issue was crisps and biscuits. Now, I still enjoy a packet of crisps or biscuit with my cup of tea, just in moderation.

I feel like a completely different person. I have now lost 9stone 10lbs. When you lose that much weight it takes a while for the mind to catch up. I still pick up bigger sizes when shopping for clothes and then have to go back to the rails and pick up smaller sizes. It still surprises me and puts a smile on my face!

I now love exercise. I walk and run for an hour a few mornings each week, it’s a really uplifting start to the day. If someone had told me that five years ago when I couldn’t walk from A to B, I wouldn’t have believed them. I enjoy life now. Not only have I lost weight, but made so many positive changes to my lifestyle.

Unislim will always be part of my life. I’m at target weight but as a Freeslimmer, I still go for weigh-ins to keep on track to keep the positivity going.

My confidence got a huge boost and two years ago I opened my business as a holistic therapist. When you’re carrying a lot of weight you’re existing not living. Now I feel great and healthy – I’m thinking ‘What else can I do for me, because there’s nothing I can’t do’

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