Success Stories

Aoife Rojack Loses Over 5 Stone

After Before
Class Coach: Jean Kelly
Class Attended: Little Bray
Start Weight 16st 1lbs
Total Wight Loss 5st 5lbs
Now just 10st 10lbs
My Story

Like most people, Aoife Rojack had tried a number of different ways to slim down in the past, but after the birth of her son in 2010, she has new motivation. “I wanted to be healthy; to be the best mother I could be to Joseph.” Aoife has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which makes weight loss slow and difficult. “But I was determined, because this time, it wasn’t just for me, I had new responsibilities. I knew because of the PCOS, it would take a while, but I told myself I’d chip away at it pound by pound, and keep attending my Unislim meetings.”

Aoife joined Jean Kelly’s class in Little Bray, and the two really clicked. “Jean is such an inspiration, because she’s been there herself. She knows what it’s like to want something so badly, and she’s a huge support. More than that, her classes are great fun.” Aoife also formed a close friendship with another successful Unislimmer, Keva Jenkins, who herself lost over 5 stone. “We always bring our little boys to class on Fridays, and go for coffee afterwards.”

As soon as she started the Unislim Forever Free plan, Aoife quickly felt – and saw – the health benefits. “My PCOS symptoms were miles better, my skin cleared up, my
asthma improved, and I’d mountains more energy.” She also started to see a change at the scales. “I always cooked, but I’d use too much butter and cream. Now I shop and plan ahead, and make really tasty food that we all eat, but is far healthier. My list includes lots of meat, chicken, fish, sweet potato, quinoa and, of course, fruit and vegetables. Then, when home, I batch cook, so there’s always something that’s good for us, handy in the freezer.”

“I keep two trackers, and find that really helps. One is for planning the week ahead, so I know what I need to have in the house. The other is the ‘reality’ of what I eat. And I keep them to refer to because it can be frustrating when [due to my PCOS] the scales don’t budge, even if I’ve been good. I’d follow the plan to the letter, exercise, track everything, and not have anything like the success others might have. But I knew, even if some weeks were slower than others, if I kept at it, the pounds would come off.”

Now over five-and-a-half stone lighter, Aoife has shown that her hard work and patience has paid off, along with all the long buggy walks and Pilates classes. “I never looked at the big number,” she says, talking of reaching her target. “That would’ve been too much. Instead, I just celebrated the small successes.” Now maintaining her
weight, Aoife is still mindful of her sweet tooth, “but Jean has been a huge help, recommending my snacks always include protein to fill me up and curb the cravings.” Now at a slim 10 stone 10lbs, Aoife knows this is a change for life. “My mantra is ‘keep trying’, so I’m never going to give up.”

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