
FREE to Join Unislim in this week’s Irish Daily Mail!

PLUS, success stories, recipes and much more.

  • 1 minute read time

Get your FREE voucher to join Unislim by picking up the Irish Daily Mail any day this week.

What’s more, we have some incredible success stories from our fantastic members to make you feel inspired and motivated. They’ll be sharing the top tips and tasty recipes that helped them to reach their weight loss goals. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner sorted, as they show you just how easy it is to Feed Yourself Fit.

We have so many delicious recipes for you to try from Summer salads and sizzling BBQ specials to some super special flavours of the world.

You’ll be eating better than ever and getting slimmer for Summer at the same time!

Don’t miss out – pick up your copy every day this week!

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