
WINNER – Unislimmer of the Year!

Bernie Finn is this year's Unislimmer of the Year after losing an incredible 9 stone!

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Bernie Finn from Gorey has just been crowned as the ‘Unislimmer of the Year’ after losing an incredible 9 stone.”I look 20 years younger”.



Wexford mother of two, Bernie Finn was yesterday crowned Unislimmer of the Year 2019 having lost an incredible 9 stone at the annually anticipated Unislim Awards show in Debenhams, Dublin. Beauty Guru, Media Personality and fellow Unislim Member Triona McCarthy, alongside Unislim MD Fiona Gratzer, had the difficult and emotional task of choosing the winner from an inspiring line up of 12 finalists from across the country, who between them have lost 70 stone.

Unislim ambassador Triona McCarthy was thrilled to be part of this inspiring event and said –

“Meeting this year’s 12 finalists and hearing each of their individual stories, has been an emotional rollercoaster I kept having to re-do my eye makeup but it’s because I’ve been shedding tears of joy.  You can see how each of these 12 finalists now look, and more importantly feel, absolutely amazing. They have all reached their personal weight goals through Unilsim and have all completely changed their lives forever”.

“It was so hard for myself and Unislim MD, Fiona Gratzer,  to pick a final overall winner from this inspiring group. However, in the end, we had to go with Bernie Finn from county Wexford. She has come through such incredible odds and through her self-commitment, love of the balanced, holistic Unislim approach to weight-loss and the personal support of her Unislim Leader, Darina Johnston has lost an unbelievable 9 stone. Listening to her and learning about her story, I honestly now feel like I can do anything!”

Bernie decided to join Unislim in August 2017, weighing in at 18 stone 12lbs and over the past two and a half years she has lost 9 stone.

“I never thought I would be here accepting this award. What doesn’t seem like long ago I could hardly walk and I felt so low. All I can say to anyone reading this who is thinking about losing weight, it has completely changed my life. I am a completely different person now and feel like life is so exciting again”.

Fiona Gratzer, MD of Unislim is so proud of each and every member, stating:

“The Unislim Awards is a time to celebrate our members’ success. Every one of our 12 finalists are now strong, confident individuals who look fabulous on the outside, and even more fabulous on the inside. This is by far the most rewarding day of my job every year, as  I get to see the real life-altering effect Unislim has had on such wonderful people from across the country.”

The winner was announced on Thursday, 17th October at a glitzy fashion show on the 3rd floor in Debenhams, Henry St where all 12 of the winners strutted their stuff in front of family, friends, and members of Unislim. The winner was presented with a cheque for €1,000 from Unislim.  All 12 finalists received a fabulous goodie bag filled with some fabulous products from Debenhams.

Each of the finalists have achieved a healthier lifestyle by following Unislim’s holistic plan with a balanced approach to delicious food, exercise, and mental wellness.

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