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We’re Reopening

And to celebrate it's FREE TO JOIN!

  • 1 minute read time

We are thrilled to announce that from Monday, June 29th, we will slowly begin to reopen Unislim classes across the country.

To celebrate welcoming both old and new members back to class we are running a special FREE TO JOIN offer, just pay your weekly class fee of €10, save €15!

In order to keep both our members and leaders safe, our classes will be reopening on a Weigh & Go basis only. We are following all the HSE guidelines and all classes will have marking on the floor to make sure everyone can keep safe while social distancing. Our leaders will be wearing face shields and hand sanitizer will be available also.

You can check the list of classes which are reopening here.

If classes aren’t for you right now, remember you can still stay up to date on all things Unislim by subscribing to our online UniZoom classes. Click here to register.

If you have any questions or would like some more information, please contact your leader or email hello@unislim.com and we’ll be happy to help.

Stay safe and healthy,

Team Unislim x


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