Success Stories

“Now I Have the Tools to Maintain a Healthy Weight” – Robert Sherin

After Before
Class Coach: Ann Hynes
Class Attended: Newcastle West
My Story

Having tackled a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, dad of two Robert Sherin from Limerick has come back fighting and lost 5 stone 7.5 lbs.

I started to gain weight when I was young and that continued into my teens. I found it difficult in school, I was very conscious of myself. My weight was up and down and when I was approaching my 21st and I decided to lose weight, but I didn’t know how to start.

I technically starved myself on and off over a year and while I lost weight, I also lost muscle mass. People said I had gone very gaunt and pale. I lost almost five stone but had done it in a completely unhealthy way and didn’t know how to maintain it.

By the time I was 26 and my weight had spiraled out of control. I was living in Australia, working two jobs, seven days a week and living by myself mostly so convenience food and eating out took over. This lifestyle resulted in me tipping the scales at over 20 stone and I ended up in hospital, diagnosed with diverticulosis, a bowel condition. A specialist said it was all to do with diet and he advised me to change my eating habits, especially by cutting out fast food.

After coming home from Australia, my weight yo-yoed until I heard about Unislim. I thought “maybe this can give me the tools to lose weight properly this time”.

I first heard about Unislim when a guy I met told me he’d been over 20 stone and lost six and a half stone for his daughter’s wedding. I thought that was amazing.

Being a man it was a bit more daunting dropping into the first class but I’d been in dire straits with back issues and said to myself “if I could just lose the weight it might help”. Since then, I’ve lost five and a half stone.

This is where Unislim is different. Joining Unislim was an education, you learn so much about food, cooking meals and how to enjoy your favourite foods in a healthy way. Sometimes it’s the smaller changes that have the biggest impact.

Now I have the tools and knowledge to maintain a healthy weight and I have a better understanding of food.

I always kept a food diary, it helped me remain conscious of what I was eating. Now that I live the Unislim plan, I don’t have to write it down, I naturally opt for healthier food.

I feel better in myself. I have developed a stronger sense of self-worth, which is very important in life. I’m much more outgoing now and am considering going back to college.

In the past, I’d avoided certain types of jobs due to my weight. Now, being able to put on a suit or shirt and tie and look and feel better, has given me the confidence to say “I can do this, I can pull this off.”

I’d say to other men, just do it, join Unislim. Six or twelve months down the line, you’ll thank yourself.


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