Success Stories

“I’m probably eating more than I ever did before, but it’s the right sort of food” – Aoibheann Gordon

After Before
Class Coach: Karen Daly
Class Attended: Unislim Online
Start Weight 17st 7lbs
Total Wight Loss 7st 7lbs
Now just 10st 0lbs
My Story

I’ve struggled with my weight since I was about 18. Before then, I did sport and could eat whatever I wanted, but when I went on to university, I wasn’t doing as much sport or exercise and the weight just crept on. There would be times when I’d lose a stone or two, and had no problem losing the weight, but I could never maintain that or keep the weight off.

I got married in 2015 and had my first baby in 2016. Following the birth, I got septicemia and with all the recovery, plus taking care of a new baby, the weight just piled on.

Christmas 2018 was my turning point. A friend of mine had won a photo shoot and suggested a bunch of us girls should have our picture taken together. Seeing those photos, it just really hit home – you could know you’ve put on weight, but you just avoid looking at yourself. And I just decided at that point that I needed to do something about it.

I had seen Karen Daly on social media and to me, she just talked common sense – it was very much, “Eat your breakfast, eat your lunch, eat your dinner; you can have your bar of chocolate in the evening, you can have your glass of wine on a Saturday night.” And it just struck a chord with me. I started with her in January 2019. Karen did all her classes online – I hadn’t actually met her face to face. I’d just weigh in every Monday morning at home and log my weight into the app. Because I was doing everything online, I needed to make myself accountable. And between January and June 2019, I lost six stone. I’m not saying it was easy – it wasn’t, but it wasn’t hard either. I didn’t deprive myself. I was still enjoying doing all the things I wanted to do.

I lost another stone before I became pregnant with my second baby in November. That pregnancy was very different from the first. I just continued to eat normally. I had my second baby in July 2020 and didn’t really have much weight to lose afterwards because I had kept eating sensibly the whole way through the pregnancy. But there was a little baby weight to lose, I got myself back in action and I lost another two stone. And I’ve kept it off ever since.

For me, I always need to have a plan. Before, I might have been busy with work or stressed out and just picked up a pizza or chips on the way home. But now, as long as I have a plan in place, I can stay on track. I’ll always make sure I have food prepared, whether that’s dinner in the slow cooker or a pre-packed lunch ready for work. I’m probably eating more now than I ever did before, but it’s the right sort of foods and proper portions.

When it comes to exercise, walking is what suits me. I’ve never been a gym person and I wouldn’t have much spare time between work and the kids. It’s just about moving that bit more. I’d put the baby in the pram, and take the dog and we’d go out for a walk.

My advice to anyone joining Unislim is just to give it your all – absorb everything, and if you need help, just ask for it.

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