Healthy Living

Stir up Sunday

  • 1 minute read time

This Sunday, the 20th of November is Stir up Sunday. Traditionally this is the day to get working on your Christmas pudding! At Unislim you can still enjoy your Christmas Pudding with our delish guilt free recipe.

Make a day of it, get the family to gather together in the kitchen to take turns mixing all the ingredients together. Every time new person takes the spoon they make a wish for the year ahead. This is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. 

It’s also tradition to hide coins in the pudding, the person who finds it will have good luck with money for the coming year. This however, can be a little risky. Avoid having a catastrophe on Christmas day by placing a sterilised (boiled) coin under a select few pudding servings instead. This way you can still enjoy the tradition without an impromptu trip to A&E.

Let us know what Christmas traditions you’re celebrating this year and don’t forget to send us in all your festive pics on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter 😀

Christmas Pudding


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