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Returning to work after lockdown

Advice for those returning to work after lockdown

  • 5 minute read time

Feeling a little anxious about returning to work? We have a few helpful tips on how to cope and the lockdown habits worth incorporating into your new routine.

We may not have invited the lockdown into our lives, and goodness knows it’s taken its toll on our mental health and finances, but after four months, many of us have settled into our new routines and the thought of returning to our old ones can feel a bit overwhelming, especially if you have childcare issues to consider and pre-lockdown you found you had little time to devote to other interests or even exercise. So if the boss has been in touch with a return date and you’re experiencing mixed feelings or even a bit of trepidation, we have a few tips to help ease your mind and arm you with a plan to help you maintain some of the good habits you’ve adopted since mid-March. Look at this as a unique opportunity to start a new work-life routine, and embrace it.

If you are feeling anxious about returning to work, it’s important to remember that this is a perfectly natural feeling. “It is entirely natural to be anxious and worried. This is an unprecedented situation. However, there is no need to sit with any of this by yourself,” says Gráinne O’Rourke, head of communications at MyMind, which with support from the HSE and Sláintecare is now delivering free online counselling sessions for those directly affected by Covid-19. To avail of the free service, simply log on to https://mymind.org/covid-19-project and apply for the scheme. MyMind has a multidisciplinary, multicultural team that is able to provide services in more than 15 languages and appointments are usually made within 72 hours of a client contacting their office.

“If you’re feeling anxious about the idea of going back to work, there are some practical things you can do,” advises Gráinne. “First and foremost, you can make sure that your employer is observing all of the guidelines in the context of the workspace – social distancing, sanitising, etc. If you rely on public transport, it’s now mandatory to wear a face covering. It’s only for a short time and you’ll be minimising the risk of passing the virus on to somebody else if you have it (and remember, you may be asymptomatic and not be aware you’re carrying it). Also, make sure you have hand sanitiser with you and wash your hands with soap and water where possible. And avail of the free counselling service. Life is stressful at the best of times without the added stress that Covid-19 and everything that goes along with it brings. Do not sit with that stress, worry and anxiety by yourself. Help is at hand, and our current scheme is free of charge for anyone who’s been affected by Covid-19. And it is part and parcel of the Covid-19 situation to be worried about going back to work and experiencing stress and even depression as a result.”

5 Lockdown Habits to Keep

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