Unislim Recipes

Beef in Black Bean Sauce

If you are looking for a quick and easy midweek fakeaway treat, look no further!


4 Frying steaks, sliced

1 Onion, sliced

2 Cloves of garlic, crushed

1 Thumb sized piece of ginger, grated

1 Red pepper

1 Green pepper

Head Bok choy leaves

3 tbsp Black bean paste

1 tbsp Cornflour

1 tbsp Rice wine vinegar

2 Spring onions, sliced

1 Red chilli, sliced

Handful White and black sesame seeds


On a searing hot pan, cook the beef until desired doneness. Set aside. Gently cook the garlic and ginger in spray oil until cooked, increase heat and add vegetables. Cook to your liking

Add black bean paste and stir well. Add 200ml(more if you like it saucy) of water, your cooked

beef & vinegar and bring to a simmer, thicken with cornflour. Top with your garnish ingredients

and serve with vour rice or noodle allowance.

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