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Diet Delusions with the Grit Doctor

The Grit Doctor, author of Run Fat B!tch Run, Ruth Field shares her no-holds barred insight into the world of dieting

  • 6 minute read time

What is so fantastic about Unislim’s approach to eating is that it transforms how we relate to food. So, no more crying over not being allowed to enjoy the foods we love, or feeling tired and weak at the prospect of a diet.  Our Feed Yourself Fit Plan will completely nourish you – body and soul – and leave you buzzing with positive energy.  Nothing diet about it – it’s a lifestyle change.

Traditional diets leave us hungry, dissatisfied and in a bad mood, and there’s nothing funny about that.  Back in the eighties, I remember my mum going on The Cambridge Diet (did she think it would make her clever, I wonder)?  Even its Wikipedia entry reads as a dire warning against it, listing all the possible adverse side effects, “bad breath, dry mouth, tiredness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea and constipation”.  I just remember my otherwise sunny funny mum being in a terrible mood while mixing up these powdered soups and potions that bore no resemblance whatsoever to real food.

The Cabbage soup diet came next – can you think of a less appealing vegetable to base your eating around?  I’d weep if I was served cabbage at a dinner party.  If it was all I was allowed to eat three times a day, it would likely send me over the edge. Let’s be honest, even a top chef finds sexing up cabbage a challenge.  Left to us, the resulting watery mush will just put some serious wind up our sails, and wipe away the smiles of anyone who gets a whiff…  Cabbage’s glamorous younger sister, kale, however, makes a delicious accompaniment to any main meal, but just imagine how we’d tire of it were it all that was on offer.  Maybe that’s to come:  The Curly Kale Diet – so named because it drives you round the bend.

Diets have come a long way since those dark days, or have they?

The 5:2 involves fewer calories than the cabbage soup for 2 out of every 7 days. Juice-only diets are even more restrictive.  Of course dramatic weight loss can result if you succeed, but are any of them sustainable?  Are they even safe to pursue long term?  There is the Alkaline Ash diet which proposes we eat mainly alkaline foods to ensure our pH is bang on.  Don’t know which foods are alkaline or what pH means?  Not got a stash of litmus paper on hand to dip stick into your urine to check said pH is correct?  No, me neither, so we’d probably need to become scientists before trying out this one.  Don’t bother as it has been derided as utter nonsense.

Fruitarians seem positively sensible next to their Breatharian brothers – who believe they can survive on water sunlight and fresh air alone.  All of which makes the cabbage soup diet suddenly look rather appealing.

The truth is that any diet which excludes a major food group is a bad idea.

To make positive food choices we need to feel happy and satisfied.  Which is why the Unislim Feed Yourself Fit Plan is all about delivering on nutrition and health while still fizzing with flavour.  More than that, it’s a way of eating that makes you feel happy too.  Think of it as an education in how to eat well again.  A journey into great health while eating fantastic foods that leave you energised and in good humour.  We have devised ingenious ways of making your staple family favourites healthier so you can still enjoy pizzas and treats!  All the while staying on target and reaching your healthiest weight.  Three meals and two snacks – every day.  Who can argue with that?  We won’t let you go hungry and you will never feel deprived.  Because Unislim have found that glorious sweet spot where healthy meets delicious.

Stay tuned for more great blogs and kickass tips from the newest member of Team Unislim – Ruth Field, The Grit Doctor.

Follow the Grit Doctor on Twitter here.


Grit Doctor’s Giggle Tip

Smile a lot.  It’s infectious.


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