Chicken soup has been a trusted home remedy to fight colds and flu for centuries. Science has never confirmed it’s medicinal value, but Irish Mammy’s everywhere swear by it. The heat from our Thai kick will help loosen nasal congestion too.
Healthy Living
Our Top 5 Cold and Flu Remedies
Some swear by these cold and flu remedies. They may not get rid of colds and flu but they sure do help.
Some swear by these cold and flu remedies. They may not get rid of colds and flu but they sure do help.
Speed up your recovery time or even keep symptoms at bay with our top 5 at-home remedies. How do you fight cold and flu season? Let us know over on our Facebook
For a long time, honey, ginger, and lemon have been used for colds and flus but when combined, they make a butt kicking remedy.
Slice 2 lemons and pack them inside a jar. Add some grated ginger and fill the jar with honey. Stir together and store in a cool dry place. When needed scoop out a spoonful and add hot water for a soothing drink
We’ve given our Chicken Broth a little Thai twist.
Chicken soup has been a trusted home remedy to fight colds and flu for centuries. Science has never confirmed it’s medicinal value, but Irish Mammy’s everywhere swear by it. The heat from our Thai kick will help loosen nasal congestion too.
Garlic is a natural antibiotic and in turn will help solve lots of flu and cold symptoms. Pack an extra cloves into our Sesame Garlic Chicken, it’s delicious!
To help clear up a sore throat, gargle with a mixture of sage, apple cider vinegar, and salt.
Place a few fresh sage leaves at the bottom of a mug and cover with 250ml of boiling water. Leave to steep for 10 minutes. In another cup pour 200ml of apple cider vinegar and sprinkle of salt. Strain sage and add the water to the apple cider vinegar. Gargle a mouthful morning, noon and night for pain relief.
Store in a jar for up to 5 days.
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