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The Grit Doctor is back with her tips to staying hydrated this Summer
Let’s get hydrated!
When you think about it, 70% of our bodies are made up of water, so keeping ourselves well hydrated is obviously going to be key. Our hearts, brains and lungs are particularly water-heavy organs and it’s awful to think of our poor hearts drying out, let alone our brains shrivelling with thirst as they struggle to keep on top of our to-do lists.
It’s a good thing to remind ourselves that our bodies are essentially water-based machines that need a steady supply of H20 to keep operating in peak condition.
Drink this: Every living cell in the human body needs water to keep functioning.
When we fail to supply our bodies with the necessary dose of H20, bad things start to happen. We get headaches, feel tired, lightheaded and dizzy, get a dry mouth, smelly breath, and can end up very constipated. We lose our strength and stamina too. And no-one wants that, right?!
A trusty hydration barometer is our urine. So use yours as a hydration yardstick. Here’s how: The colour of your urine will tell you instantly where you are hydration-wise. It should be pale straw in colour and not strong smelling. The more orange it becomes the less hydrated your body is. Very dark amber coloured urine, with or without a potent smell, is a big red flag that you are not getting enough H20. Your urine is bound to be a bit darker in the mornings because you haven’t drunk anything for 8 hours – so don’t panic if your first pee of the day is darker than the others.
Don’t wait until you are exercising or in roasting, sunshine to up your water intake. And never wait till you are thirsty to drink. We need to be hydrated at all times which, according to NHS guidelines involves drinking 6-8 glasses a day (1.2 litres).
So, we know we need it, and more of it in the heat – so what follows are my tips for staying well watered throughout Summer.
Drink this: A raging thirst is a warning sign that you are already dehydrated.
There is no doubt that upping your H20 intake will help with weight loss and weight maintenance. Hunger is often thirst in disguise, and even when it’s not, the water you’ve got into the habit of drinking first just to be on the safe side, will also help plug that hunger hole.
Drink more water to feel fuller faster.
Ruth Field xx
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