Success Stories

Rose McMahon Unislimmer of The Year Finalist

After Before
Class Coach: Ann Hynes
Class Attended: Newcastle West
Start Weight 16st 1lbs
Total Wight Loss 5st 2.5lbs
Now just 10st 12.5lbs
My Story

Meet the Rose Of Newcastle West! Unislimmer of the Year Finalist Rose McMahon has lost 5 stone since joining Unislim with Leader Ann Hynes last year and says ”I am now a size 12! A size I haven’t seen since my teen years!” What a feeling! Rose McMahon made her 50th year one to remember. What started out as her toughest year to date, became her crowning glory. Now, with a  5st 2.5lbs weight loss, Rose is living the life of her dreams.

2015 marked a year of change for me. I started out feeling very low, having recently lost my dear mum to cancer. As an only child and her full time carer, her death hit me hard. However, a few months later, as my 50th birthday and Mums first anniversary approached I got the strength from somewhere to make changes to my life.

Up until I had my 4 kids in my 20’s I had always been a size 14.  But over the years that followed my weight had just crept up. I have high blood pressure and was aware that my weight was adding to my health risks.

Then in August 2015 my daughter Mary asked me to join Unislim with her. A new mum, she was ready to get back in shape and knew that I was looking to do the same. I loved the idea of us taking on the journey together and supporting each other, so we went along to the Newcastle West class and that’s where the magic happened.

At my first class I was apprehensive about stepping on the scales, but I really had a wake-up call when my weight rang in at 16st 1lbs. My leader, Ann, explained the Forever Free plan to me and I was delighted to see how easy and manageable it was. My bad habits were quickly kicked into touch, and I totally embraced my Unislim lifestyle – how could I not – I was feeling better than ever! I teamed my new healthy eating plan with daily walks and actually found myself enjoying exercise.

I loved the fact that I could eat the foods I love and still lose weight. You never feel hungry on the plan (and if you do, you’re doing it wrong). It also makes the fun things in life easy, you can enjoy your weekends and special occasions and still stay in control.

My friends and family have seen such a huge change in me in the last year. I’m taking more pride in my appearance, I feel and look a lot happier and I LOVE shopping for clothes now. Before Unislim I would wander between the racks, picking up whatever tops and pants were available in size 20. Now, I have heaps of choice as a size 12. I haven’t been size 12 since I was a teenager!

Another thing I have discovered since joining Unislim is that I’m actually not a bad cook! I love trying out new recipes or transforming family favourites into healthier dishes. When I cook a meal, it’s for the whole family, not one dish for me and another for everyone else. As a result, my entire family are getting healthier and love the recipes I whip up.

Only a year after joining my first Unislim class, I have now lost 5 stone. My leader Ann has become a good friend over the last number of months and I am delighted to help out at class each week as part of her team.

Remember it’s never too late, I didn’t see the light until I was 50 but my life has changed for the better. Don’t put it off, join Unislim today – you won’t regret it!

Feeling inspired by Rose’s transformation story? Join your local Unislim class here.


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