Success Stories

“I feel younger, more energised and I look forward to trying new things, to the next adventure” – Mairead McCaul

After Before
Class Coach: Arlene Carlisle
Class Attended: Unislim Newry
Start Weight st lbs
Total Wight Loss 9st 2.5lbs
Now just st lbs
My Story

“I feel younger, more energised and I look forward to trying new things, to the next adventure. I don’t hide in the background anymore. It’s just a whole new lifestyle and I’m really living my life to the full.” 

After Covid, three friends and I decided we’d book a summer holiday together. We planned to go in June 2022 and booked it the Christmas before. I was talking with one of those friends and we both felt we were overweight, we wanted to do something about it so we could enjoy the trip. We decided to go to Unislim and joined on the 18th of January 2022.  

I remember queuing up for that class thinking, ‘Here we go again – Groundhog Day!’ because I had tried so many other programmes and slimming methods before – tablets, drinks, I even tried being hypnotised. Nothing worked. I would usually do well the first couple of months but then when the progress slowed down, I would give up.  

This time, though, it was different. The Balance plan was so easy to follow – it was real, simple food. I didn’t have to go out and buy special products. It was just so doable. And my leader, Arlene, was fantastic – she was so supportive. After a couple of months, I was expecting to have to change tack – every time you fail, it really affects your confidence; but for some reason, this programme really stuck with me.  

My children got a puppy around the same time I joined Unislim, so naturally I ended up walking the dog and looking after him. He’s a wee Cockapoo named Milo. He’s provided a great reason to get me out walking. We tend to give ourselves excuses for not doing something, like exercise or losing weight. But once I had the dog by my side I loved going out walking and now I walk with him all the time. He sits on my knee in the evenings as well, so that stops me from snacking after dinnertime! 

I enjoy my food much more now and love eating delicious food. I feel better physically and mentally I would always find it very tough to lose weight in the summertime, and this summer was no different. There were a couple of weeks where food was in my thoughts the whole time, but I just stayed the course, got out of that mind frame and maintained the same weight the whole summer, which to me is brilliant. I have finally gotten my head around the fact that I deserve to feel this good in myself.  

Looking back now, I didn’t enjoy life before joining Unislim. I hated clothes shopping and always made-up excuses to avoid doing certain things, whether it involved exercise or some sort of adventure – I would say I didn’t have time. I just didn’t have any confidence. Being overweight does knock your confidence without you realising it. My weight held me back from doing a lot of things – I know that now.  

Today, there’s nothing I would say ‘no’ to. I’ve signed up to do yoga, Pilates… I feel younger, more energised and I look forward to trying new things, to the next adventure. I don’t hide in the background anymore. I never thought I would be wearing a size 14 – to be able to go into a shop and buy something off the rail was alien to me. It’s just a whole new lifestyle. 

One unexpected result of my weight loss is that I no longer snore – I used to snore quite a lot, and very heavily, according to my husband, but he recently told me I haven’t snored in a long time. So that’s a lovely bonus! 

My advice to anyone thinking of joining Unislim would be to take the bull by the horns and go, and give it your all. Everybody deserves to be happier. And only you can do this for yourself, nobody else can do it for you. Don’t worry if you don’t get huge results after a week or two – if it’s a half a pound or a pound a week, that’s progress. Stick with it because it is so worth it in the end.  

In November, I’m going to visit my son, who is studying in Tennessee in the US, and I’m excited to be going on an airplane again without needing a big seatbelt. And then in July, I’m doing a trek in Kenya with a friend of mine for a charity. That is something I would have never had the confidence to do before and I am so looking forward to that adventure. I’m really living my life to the full now. 

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