Tips For Success

Setting Goals

  • 5 minute read time

Are you a goal setter and why is it important to have goals?

A healthy lifestyle is ultimately a culmination of habits that support your goals and help you feel great. Creating realistic goals will put you on the path to success, gives you direction and a great sense of achievement. Making small manageable changes is just the first step toward crafting a lifestyle you can enjoy. Need a little help figuring out how to set those goals? Here are a few tips to help you work out the goals that work best for you

Start small

There’s a reason that one of the most popular exercising plans is the couch to 5K and not the couch to a full marathon. Especially if you’re coming from having done little or no exercise. Starting small with your goals is going to make it easier to sustain in the long term and can boost your confidence when you’re actually able to achieve them.

Be flexible

Flexibility is the name of the game when it comes to setting and adjusting your goals, and you should allow some leeway to alter your expectations as time goes on. Holding on to goals that are no longer relevant can actually hold you back, so taking time to reevaluate where you’re at every few months and updating your plan to fit your current lifestyle will make sure your new habits actually stick.

Make them meaningful

It’s time to be honest with yourself because if you don’t really care about the goals you’re setting it’s unlikely you’ll stick to them over a long period of time. So, what is meaningful in your health and wellness journey that you can work toward? Will you really reach a weight loss you’re expecting within 6 weeks? Have you always wanted to do a set of pushups on your toes? The more realistic & personal your goals are, the better.

Try habit stacking

The new buzz word but it absolutely makes sense! Maintaining new habits isn’t always easy, so habit stacking is a great way to work new routines into your life that work alongside your current ones. The idea is when you’re doing something new, it can help to link it on to an existing habit that’s already sticky. SO if you make yourself a cuppa every morning, you could add 10 deep breaths, write down 3 things you’re grateful for, or pack your healthy snacks for the day while the kettle is boilin, for example. That’s hacking your way to a new habit! 

The bottom line is to set goals that excite and motivate you, helping to create a healthy lifestyle that much easier, and so long as you’re being realistic about your expectations for the time it takes to achieve success, you’ll be able to build a more sustainable life with consistency and a solid plan. Changes don’t happen overnight, but choosing achievable goals broken down into bite-size pieces will make your health journey that much less daunting.

Where do you get started?  In a local Unislim class near you or when you join online.  Start your journey to a better YOU today with US, we can’t wait to meet you!

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