Unislim Recipes

Veggie Frittata

  • Vegetarian

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Free Food

8 Eggs

1 tub Low fat cottage cheese

Low cal spray oil

half of 1 diced Courgette

2 chopped Tomatoes

1 diced Red bell pepper

1/2 Onion - chopped

1 tablespoon Fresh thyme

2 cloves chopped Garlic


Black Pepper


Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees

Heat low cal spray oil in a large pan over a medium heat. Add the courgette, onion, tomato, thyme, garlic and a dash of salt and pepper. Cover and cook for 5 minutes or until the veggies are tender.

Whisk eggs until frothy, adding in the tub of cottage cheese and season with salt and pepper

Pour egg mixture over vegetables, stirring gently.

Tilt the pan to make sure the eggs are covering the vegetables evenly. Cook for a minute or two until you see the eggs at the edges of the pan beginning to set.

Put the entire pan in the oven and bake for 8 to 10 minutes until the eggs are set. To check, cut a small slit in the center of the frittata. If raw eggs run into the cut, bake for another few minutes; if the eggs are set, take the frittata out of the oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes.

Slice into wedges and serve with a crisp side salad for the perfect summer lunch!

Picnic Tip: Pop wedges or bitesized chunks of frittata into a lunchbox for a delicious addition to your picnic spread.

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