
Pamela O’Shea

Unislimmer of The Year Finalist 2018

  • 3 minute read time

Having lost more than 10 stone, the lighter, Pamela, started running, set up her own business and is now ready to take on the world!

I’m thrilled to be selected as a Unislim Slimmer of The Year finalist! I can’t believe I’ve come this far. I had a definite weight problem that crept up over the years and at 33, I was actually morbidly obese. I got a little dog Frankie and couldn’t walk him for more than a few minutes without being out of breath. So that was a kind of wake up call.


So in December 2012 I took the plunge and joined. One really good thing about Unislim is it gives you a focus, the guidelines are there and you always have that one-on-one support.

My first week I lost 11 pounds and the second week only a pound. But week by week I lost something. If you stick to a healthy eating plan and exercise, you can’t go wrong.


I feel like a completely different person. I reached my 5 year target in April 2017. I lost 10 stone 6 pounds in the end. When you lose that much weight it takes a while for the mind to catch up. I still pick up bigger sizes when shopping for clothes!

I now love exercise. I walk and run for an hour a few mornings a week, it’s a really uplifting start to the day. If someone had told me that five years ago when I couldn’t walk from A to B, I wouldn’t have believed them. I enjoy life now.

Don’t call Unislim a diet, it’s a positive change of lifestyle. Tweet That!


Two years ago I started The Tranquility Room, my business as a holistic therapist. When you’re carrying a lot of weight you’re existing not living. Now I feel great and healthy – I’m thinking what else can I do for me?

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