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Fast 21 Plan available in class & online
Make 2021 your year!
We’re all looking forward to 2021 with hopes and plans to make every part of our lives even more wonderful. And at Unislim, we have a new plan to get you motivated for a great year ahead.
Many believe it takes just 21 days to change a habit. This theory has often been applied to the forming of new habits, and while some say that depending on the habit and how difficult it is to change, it can take longer, many do agree that practising something for a solid 21 days really does help the new routine set in, and it gets easier to continue with from then on. With that in mind, we at Unislim created Fast 21 – our new plan for the new year.
So what can you expect from our new Fast 21 plan? We’re so glad you asked! Just in time to kickstart your goals for the new year, we have 21 recipes to pick and choose from each week, a shopping list and notes pages to write down the healthy habits you plan to establish over these exciting three weeks.
Our Flexifast day is a great way to lose weight and boost your energy levels without sacrificing your food intake. You’ll still enjoy three meals and two snacks, but the Flexifast day just sees you fasting for 14 hours overnight, from your last meal of the day (say, at 6pm) to your first meal the next morning (at 8am). Research shows that fasting for 14 hours overnight can have enormous benefits, with those who practise this consuming up to 30% fewer calories. Just choose a day you’re not too busy, where you can apply the rules easily, and look forward to waking up the next morning feeling brighter and full of energy.
Take 21 minutes to move – whether you already have a solid fitness regime or you need to establish one, 21 minutes can make all the difference. So if your routine doesn’t feature much exercise, we encourage you to take just 21 minutes to get moving in whatever way you feel comfortable. That’s not so much, now, is it? And if you already love your exercise, we suggest you add just 21 minutes to that existing routine and start seeing the benefits. Easy, right?
Kickstart your 2021 goals now and join Unislim online today!
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6 Week Challenge
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