

Claire Dempsey who’s lost nearly 3st having joined UNISLIM online shares her story so far. Claire is a Zoom member of the fabulous Helena O’Briens Zoom class and hasn’t looked back.

  • 8 minute read time

When did your weight first become and issue for you?

Probably always, but more noticeably as a teenager…this continued into my 20s. Then very noticeably after kids!!

Have you attempted to lose weight before and what makes this time different for you?

I have tried everything, had a bit of success with them all and then the first step in the wrong direction would turn me off facing classes… So I suppose I never stayed at anything this long. Its totally different with Helena, all I’ve ever met is encouragement and reassurance that I’m doing OK. I know I’ve nothing to fear anymore.

Have you had a “lightbulb moment” yet, if so what prompted it?

I think I’ve probably had a string of fairy lights as opposed to one moment! Realising that I’ve come so far and I have dumped all my old clothes is a major incentive to stay on the straight and narrow. I don’t want to go backwards. I think another moment is realising the pace of my loss is individual to me and not to compare to others. My mantra is “down is down” regardless of how much.

What has kept you motivated on the days you felt like quitting?

On those days, I’d have myself convinced that I’ve undone everything. I have to talk to myself and separate the catatrophising from the actual reality. I always check in with Helena on those days and find her messages exceptionally helpful and supportive. Then back on it, buy the healthy shopping and within a few days, I’ve reset again.

What’s your long term goal?

I’m not at my target yet, so that’s my first long term goal… However long it takes! Then my really long term goal is to maintain a healthy weight which allows me to feel like I do now, allows me to do the sports I love and allows me to wear nice clothes and enjoy them…! I have two daughters, they ask questions about what I’m eating now and are becoming informed from an early age, I hope they will instinctively make healthy choices and enjoy everything in moderation.

What’s a typical days food?


Breakfast would be portion of fruit, eggs, 60g wholemeal bagel. Snack: yoghurt and fruit.

Lunch: Soup and slim bagel

Dinner: steak, mushrooms, onions, salad… Gravy

Snack: popcorn

Does exercise play a big part of your life?

Yes. I don’t lose without doing exercise. In the winter I love walking… Pre covid I used to enjoy zumba. In the summer I take to the seas 🏊‍♀️

Do you feel that your mindset has changed to how you approach your achieving health goals?

Yes. For sure, I’m much more patient with myself than I have previously been. I take great heart in looking at how far I’ve come, the road ahead doesn’t seem as daunting now. I also know that family life does not lend well to drastic diets, so this is a way of life that doesn’t inhibit us, but focuses us on being healthy

Has the online experience/Unizoom matched your expectations?

100% yes. I mentioned earlier, “the fear” of weigh ins never got easier for me over the years. I hate that pressure. So I have my mentor/guru Helena 😜 helping me navigate the way and sort my thoughts out when I feel myself slipping!! I am dreadful for being on live at my class, but I always listen afterwards and plan ahead for the week.

How has your weight loss so far effected your life positively?

I suppose to be frank, I feel so much better. Also, I know my own family are thrilled and relieved for me that “I saw the light”… That in turn makes me happy. I worry a lot less… I used to go to bed every Sunday night planning my weight loss attempts, feeling so guilty and sad. Then I never fulfilled them.. I don’t miss that level of worry.

Top 3 tips?

  1. Connect with Helena. She is a fountain of knowledge and the epitomey of support. I felt so ashamed after so many attempt at this. I have never received anything but kindness personified from Helena.
  1. Go at your own pace, I unfollowed a lot of influencers etc as I found myself in comparison mode. The speed of my losses doesn’t bother me anymore… Just as long as I keep going in the right direction. I have more to go to get to target, but I’ve already surpassed where I thought I would go when I started.
  1. Listen to the podcasts.. I have learned so much about exercise, hormones, nutrition, vitamins, forgiving myself, other members stories, recipes and some beauty tips for good measure! Love attending live, but also love making a coffee and sticking in my headphones for a catch up with Helena!

Make sure to pop over to our Instagram & Facebook pages to show Claire some love in our latest post! 💗

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