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Whether you are visiting Stradbally Estate as a day trip or as a hard core three day camper, you’re going to need a few secret weapon supplies to keep you feeling fresh and fabulous all weekend long. Here are Unislim’s Festival Fit Tips to make sure that YOU are a headline act from Friday to Sunday.
If you are going to go the distance at the Picnic, one thing is for sure, you need to keep hydrated. Keep water in your tent and carry a bottle in your festival backpack. Between every alcoholic drink, try to drink water to keep you feeling fresh and ready to dance the night away!
Don’t rely on the vendors for snacks as it is very easy to get roped into full meals at bargain prices or the chocolate trap. Fruit is an ideal option, as the nutrients will revive you and give you that fresh faced look (no make-up required). Pack durable fruit, like oranges or apples for your day bag. For tent snacks, pack fresh berries so you can kick start your day chilling in your tent with some juicy fresh strawberries and blueberries, they will help fend off any on-coming hangovers.
With an abundance of healthy food vendors at Electric Picnic, you have a wealth of choice for your meals. Scan around for the healthiest stalls before making your final choice, as opposed to going for the most convenient option. Simply remember your Forever Free foods and healthy low GI carbohydrates, they are nutritious and will keep you fuller and with more stamina, for longer. Ask the server to add in some extra veggies and keep breads wholemeal or whole wheat. Find a spot to sit down and actually enjoy each meal, as opposed to munching while you bop through the fields.
Muddy fields and sleeping party people don’t make for a good jogging track, so added exercise can be hard to work in. Remember you will be walking, quite a bit from camp site to the venue and everything else in between, so as you do so, try to up your pace as much as you can, swing your arms and try to earn Bonus BITES while making your way to the main stage! Also, dance to your favourite bands as much as possible. Studies have shown that dancing is a great way to get your heart rate up, get rid of extra body fat, and build lean muscle. Shake it out, break a sweat and burn some calories! Plus they’ve opened the lake this year so you can go for a swim 😀
Needless to say, alcohol will be consumed by the majority of the Electric Picnic party animals. Keep in mind that alcohol is considered Bites. If you are enjoying a drink or ahem, two over the weekend, set yourself targets, ie “I will not drink until 6/7/8 O’Clock” or “I will not mix my drinks” or “I will stick to diet soda’s in my spirits”. Having a guideline for yourself means that you can stay in control, have fun and not have to worry too much about damage control come weigh-in day
Most importantly, have fun, be safe, stick with your friends and bring a spare battery for your phone! Please post your Healthy Selfies from the Electric Picnic on our Facebook page when you get back – we can’t wait to hear how you got on! x
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