Tips For Success

Emma’s #journeysofar

Emma O'Mahony who’s lost 3st having joined Unislim Online shares her story so far. Emma is a Zoom member of the fabulous Helena O’Briens Zoom class and hasn’t looked back.

  • 16 minute read time

Emma O’Mahony who’s lost 3st having joined Unislim Online shares her story so far. Emma is a Zoom member of the fabulous Helena O’Briens Zoom class and hasn’t looked back.

When did your weight first become and issue for you?

Weight was always an issue for me. I was always bigger than my friends and only realised myself when we should be borrowing clothes on play dates or for parties etc. as nothing of my friends would fit me but they would all share. I’ve always been aware I need to lose weight but I was never strong enough or determined enough to do anything about it. I’ve being on and off losing weight but I would never stick at it. The most I lost was 12 pounds or so and then I would just stop. My mum always tried to help me and would do anything for me to get in control of my weight. Bringing me to Unislim at 15 years old, dietitians etc. but I would never get my head in the game. The weight slowing crept up and now I was at a stage of having to lose more then what I started with.

Have you attempted to lose weight before and what makes this time different for you?

I have attempted so many times! I’m only just turned 22 and struggling for what feels like forever I am not sure why I didn’t just do it. I always think maybe my head wasn’t in the zone or Maybe I was in denial about needing to lose it. But this time with Helena’s help I am still shocked at what I’ve achieved. My family and friends can’t believe I’m doing it. Like I am shocked myself and I can’t pinpoint one thing that’s different this time except I really do want it. After being on the holiday of a lifetime tracing around Bali and Thailand with friends at just age 19 I was so upset about how I looked in a bikini and always wanted to cover up. I remember texting Helena who I only followed on Instagram at this stage asking for advice as I was so down on the holiday of a lifetime and reflecting on this made me never want to feel this way again. Covid lockdowns have given me time that I would not usually have and I am using this to my advantage. If Covid didn’t happen I would not of been able to do Helena’s classes as she is in limerick and I am in Dublin. Every cloud does have silver lining and I’m so thrilled her Unizoom classes are here to stay

Have you had a “lightbulb moment” yet, if so what prompted it?

Every time I think of this question I believe it to be when I was listening to Helena’s talk on motivation and discipline. I never knew the difference between the two before. And something just clicked when listening. I belive I can do it and I want to do it.

What has kept you motivated on the days you felt like quitting?

I want it this time in a way I never have before. I don’t know why or what’s difference but I just want it. Looking back on how far I’ve come makes me see how much I have achieved.  I’m a big advocate of taking pictures in clothes and trying on a while later. Seeing non scales victories make me feel on top of the world and this result motivates me. My family and friends are so supportive and would help me in anyway and having their support on this journey makes all of the difference as I have never opened up to my friends about it before but this time round they are on the journey with me.

What is your favourite go to healthy meal?

My favourite meal in the winter is definitely roast chicken with honey roasted carrots and parsnips, homemade roast potatoes, peas and Gravy. It really is my favourite meal and can have it all for half a bite if using honey on the veg. It’s so filling and comforting and you can have it so many different ways. I am also a big fan of lean burgers with red onion at the moment with the Unislim sweet potato fries which go so fast in my house as we all love them! But nothing beats a good BBQ in the summer with lean meats controlled carbs and cone on the cobb. But something I find myself always eating is spag bol…So easy fast and when I have excuses of being lazy and not wanting to cook there is never an excuse to not cook it as it takes 10 mins and is always yummy.

What is your favourite snack?

Greek yogurt with vanilla drops! This is my fav. So yummy and versatile. If I’m feeling adventurous or not like myself I’ll have a few grapes or strawberries with it but if you know me that’s rare! I also love to add a merguine nest in with the yogurt if it’s a dessert and it’s yum too! I also love hummus and Pitta bread or crackers. The ultimate snack is an options hot chocolate which really hit the spot and we go through it so fast!

Does exercise play a big part of your life?

Yes at the moment I am weigh-training three times a week in group persons training classes  and aiming for 10,000 steps a day. On my journey I did not really do any exercise besides of the covid walks that everyone was doing and a few odd home workouts. I’ve always loved going to the gym and doing exercises like squats and bench press as I love to see myself getting stronger and the benefits of weight training along with a healthy diet are fabulous. I more workout for my head and I feel good doing, i don’t workout so I can eat more. I love the walking and getting out when I can to clear my head and have some me time and it’s really good for my head.

How has your weight loss effected your life positively?

100% I am so happy and smiling everywhere. I already feel more confident in myself and I this makes me want to keep going. I belive and I think something that makes this time different is that there is no pressure. No event no Holiday no specific date to lose the weight by and is has made the process so much more enjoyable and not stressful.

Top 3 tips?

  1.  TRACK TRACK TRACK – The good the bad and the ugly is all written down and I think this makes such a difference as it allows me to be honest with myself and if I go over my bites so what. I’ve come to realized one bad day or week won’t ruin your whole journey unless you allow it to and give it the power.
  2.  TRUST THE PROCESS – The plan works. Simple as. It really works. It’s not hard and yes it does not happen over night. But I have learnt to trust it and allow it to have the ups and downs. Don’t give it the power to control everything but give it your trust and you will succeed.
  3.  ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE HAPPY – No one wants to be Miserable losing weight. The only way I believe it works is when you find the balance and have it in your life and it just slips in as this makes it a no stress way. Balance is the key and if you find this you will be able to eat out and enjoy yourself, eat your favourite foods and still lose weight. Being happy with yourself allows you to learn to love youself even more on this journey and this is really important to your overall health and well-being as if we are not happy at the end of the day what do we really have

I will say that since hitting my 3 stone target at the end of May I have kind of taken the foot off the pedal and I am enjoying my summer. This scared me at first but after speaking with Helena I soon learnt that you won’t always be losing weight constantly and there are times that are harder then others. Going from constantly loosing for the 6 months to then now having gained about 4/5 pounds from staycations, our with friends, summer bbq, drinks, birthdays and holidays abroad. I’ve realised that I still look and feel amazing and just because a scales said I have gained 5 pounds does not mean I look horrible. I’ve learnt that the scales won’t always be the way to measure my progress and that how I feel means so much more. I am learning to not let the scales dictate my mood and how I feel. Yes come the end of august I will rein it in again and be more religious with the plan as I go to push to lose another stone but right now I am learning to feel good in my own skin and enjoy my summer. I won’t lie I have days we’re I am like come on Emma you could be down another half a stone by now instead of being up 4/5 pounds but that’s when I look back at pictures of me this time last year and I remind myself that i am definitely a different person to who I was when I started and that the work I have done now is incredible so I should not be so hard on myself.


Make sure to pop over to our Instagram & Facebook pages to show Emma some love in our latest post! 💗

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