
Couch to 5k – Walkers Guide

  • 5 minute read time

The most important step you will take is the first step out of your front door. After that, it’s just a case of keep going!

So how can you get from Couch to 5km in just 6 weeks? Start today, don’t delay. Lace up your trainers and head out the door for a comfortable, easy paced walk. The trick is to make this your new daily habit, walking is good for your mind, as well as your body, so here’s some top tips to consider before we get into the nitty gritty of time and distance:

  • Make a playlist of your favourite songs. Music will motivate you to keep moving, it will help take your mind off the walk and you can even use the beat of the music to pace you.
  • Listen to a podcast or audiobook. If you don’t get time to sit and read then here is your solution. You’ll soon look forward to getting out the door as you’ll be desperate to start the next chapter….
  • Make it social. Meet a friend and walk and talk, you’ll be amazed how much quicker the miles go when you have good company.
  • Make it enjoyable. First, enjoy your walks. That’s what will get you out the door time and time again. Choose a comfortable pace, and a distance that doesn’t tire you out. When you do this consistently THEN aim for progress, but just a little at a time. Repeat week one as many times as you need until you feel ready to progress.
  • Slow progress is still progress. You might be tempted to push too hard too quickly, but this is a recipe for disaster! If you’re walking for 10 minutes a day, don’t then double it! Add on a little, or if you can’t add on as much as the plan suggests then just walk to the next lamppost, and push for an extra lamppost every time you head out the door. Remember the guidelines are just that, a guide, take things slower if you need too, just keep putting one foot in front of the other- that’s what matters.
  • Get the right socks and shoes. because as you increase your speed and distance and your feet are pounding those pavements, you may start to feel discomfort if you do not have supportive footwear. Sports socks, especially anti-blister ones, will help evaporate moisture and keep your feet dry while walking and good quality sports trainers will offer the right support for your feet.
  • Track it! A step tracker can be a great way to monitor your progress (most phones have one built in). Each week you’ll see your step count get higher and higher and this can really help to boost motivation! A 5km will take the average adult walking at a brisk pace around one hour to complete and can clock up around 7k steps.
  • Know when to rest.  Don’t make excuses for falling off plan BUT do cut yourself some slack. If you’re injured or just tired, then skipping one walk won’t hurt. The key is to get back on plan as soon as you can. Before choosing to skip a walk though could you make an adjustment? If you’re tired how about a slower walk, covering less distance? It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, sometimes you can find a middle ground and that’s more than okay!

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