
Coconut oil – Is it as good for you as you think?

Do you eat coconut oil because you think it's the healthiest choice?

  • 2 minute read time

We all need fats – that’s a given. But choosing what type can be quite confusing.

Coconut oil is all the rage and no longer reserved for the aisle of Health Stores.  However when you look at the stats, we can see quite a difference between Coconut Oil Versus vegetable based oils like Rapeseed and Olive Oil.  Particularly when it comes to heart health.

According to this article on BBC News, saturated fats in Coconut oil is the heart of the issue,  Saturated fat is known to block arteries and increase the risk of heart disease.

So, let’s get down to the brass tax:

Coconut oil contains about 3.8 grams of saturated fat per teaspoon, while rapeseed oil can be as low as 0.3 grams of saturated fat.

Our resident Dietician, Sarah Keogh says…

“Dietitians have been saying for years that coconut oil should be treated like butter: gorgeous flavour, fine to use now and again as a treat – but the main cooking oil should still be olive or rapeseed. And remember that a level tablespoon (25g) coconut oil has over 200 calories.”

As we always say, moderation is key and having the facts on the foods you use can really make a difference to your weight loss and general health.  Enjoying a balance of healthy fats in your plan can help your skin glow, the growth of strong and healthy nails, hair as well as better brain function and improved moods.

Feed Yourself Fit Tip: Each day, you can add one tsp of healthy oil or half an avocado pear completely free on your plan.





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