
Christmas Countdown Challenge – Week 1

  • 2 minute read time


We’re flying through our Christmas Countdown Challenge,  can you believe we’re already 1 week in.

Check out some of our favourite challenge updates from super Unislim member Shannen McGrane.

Day 1: Write down your Xmas Day weight loss goal and 3 things you are going to do to help you achieve it.

shannen-1 Three things that will help me get to my Christmas goal!

Day 2: Download a free fitness app like Map My Run and start monitoring your Christmas workouts

shannen-2All done 🙂

Day 3: Make a list of the sauces you may use over Xmas and look up healthy homemade recipe versions that you can prepare in advance.

shannen-3 A list of sauces with healthy versions!

Day 4: Start your day with our 8 minute Active 8 workout.

shannen-4Active 8 Workout! That was fun

Day 5: Get busy in the kitchen and make a batch of our Apple and Cranberry Chutney for some delicious festive gifts.

shannen-5Apple & Cranberry Chutney nom

Day 6: Whip up some Unislim Mince Pies for your family.

shannen-6The mince pies are ready

Day 7: Splash out on a motivating gift for yourself to put under the Christmas tree – from a nice workout top, new trainers, dumbbells or a wearable fitness monitor.

shannen-7Treated myself to new workout clothes! Off out for a walk now!

If you want to get involved in our Christmas Countdown Challenge head to your nearest Unsilim class and pick up a copy of our Festive Fit plan, or pop over to our Twitter @Unislim to follow our daily updates

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