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Unislim works! We see the results all over the country, but it is my humble opinion that the Feed Yourself Fit plan, in the hands of the right person becomes so much more than that.
A leader is someone who addresses a problem and becomes the solution. Someone who embodies strength, support and reassurance in the face of struggle. My leader’s name is Jean Kelly and she runs classes in Bray and Killiney. She has an incredible online presence for all members and all while being a busy mother.
There are not enough ways to say thank you to her, but I hope by sharing this post she can see that I am grateful for her dedication. Once upon a time, over a year ago, a 19-year-old girl who was very sad and anxious walked in with nothing to lose (but 4 and a half stone). Jean not only supported my weight loss but supported me on a personal level and was always there to lend an ear and empathise with me.
Jean understood and listened, and most importantly never ever judged me. No matter how bad it got, I knew that by going to class she would be there to support and guidance. She never got angry when I made mistakes. This was what I needed, and without me needing to tell her Jean knew when it was time to crack the whip or give me a hug.
This to me, is what true leadership is, someone who has unlimited empathy and understanding. I am so grateful for Jean and for Unislim.
If you are considering losing weight, do not hesitate to go to your local unislim class! It might just be the best thing you ever do.
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