
7 reasons why you should join Unislim

  • 5 minute read time

What sets Unislim apart from other plans?

Above all, we are for food lovers. Eating is one of the basic joys in life and we don’t want you to miss out on that. Calorie counting, much to many people’s relief, is definitely not required!  We believe in a personalized approach, and whether you decide to join a local class or online, you will have one to one support from your leader. We understand that there is no such thing as a one size fits all solution. The Unislim plan is flexible for your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle.

Can I really achieve sustainable weight loss with this plan?

100% ! Our evidence-based approach combines the latest in nutritional science, fitness, and behaviour modification to ensure not just impressive results, but long lasting ones too. Unislim is here 24/7 for you. Diet culture unfortunately encompasses short term dieting, which can have a yo-yo effect on your weight, leading to damage to your metabolism, not to mention your mental health. Sustained results is our number one goal for our members.  New members on average lost and incredible 10lbs in their first 4 weeks, the stats speak for themselves.

How will Unislim fit into my busy schedule?

We understand the demands of modern life. Unislim online offers the most flexibility. Our class recordings are available to you indefinitely, something other programmes don’t want you to have. We have online workouts, a buzzy members only App connecting you to the wider Unislim community, and thousands of sensational recipes that are high on taste as well as nutrition.

Are there any age or fitness level restrictions?

Our members range from 16-96 and as you can imagine, there are all levels of fitness amongst our community. We encourage exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, but it’s not compulsory. Your life, your pace.

What kind of support can I expect?

The personal touch is very important when embarking on a weight loss journey. Whether it’s face to face with your leader, or a whatsapp chat with your online leader, they will support you every step of the way. All our leaders have lost weight successfully with Unislim and have walked the walk so empathy and compassion is in abundance.

Is Unislim sustainable in the long run?

Absolutely! We focus not only on achieving your initial weight loss goals but also on equipping you with the knowledge and tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long term. We repeat this is NOT A DIET! We empower you with a new lifestyle, and once you stick with it for an extended period of time, it will simply become so natural to you that it’ll be part of your identity.

Are there success stories from others who have followed this program?

Yes! Our success stories speak for themselves. Real people, real results. Check out testimonials and transformation stories from individuals who have achieved their weight loss here

How can I get started?

Click here and start the rest of your life right now…..

Unislim is not just for you, it’s for everyone. It encapsulates exactly what a healthy lifestyle should look like. Take the first step today and get ready to change your life!

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